How to treat hip bursitis
Hip bursitis is inflammation of the bursae of the hips. Treatment usually involves anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and rest.
McMurray test: What a positive result means
The McMurray test is a physical examination doctors use for knee injuries. A positive McMurray test means a person likely has a meniscal tear
Diagnosing severe hip arthritis with X-ray
In a severe hip arthritis X-ray, the joint space is absent, which means the cartilage has worn away, and the bones can rub against each other. The X-ray also shows the development of bone spurs and deformity of the bones in the joint.
Knee Pain: Nerve Block Injections May Help With Osteoarthritis
Researchers say people with knee osteoarthritis appear to get some short-term pain relief after receiving injections of genicular nerve blocks. They said people who received the injections reported significant pain relief eight weeks after the treatment. The relief appeared to wane after 12 weeks.
Side Stitch: What It Is and How To Get Rid of the Pain
You know that pain. You’re working out, playing a pick-up game of basketball or taking a quick run, when you feel a sharp pain near your ribcage. Sometimes, it can be so painful that it stops you in your tracks.
Improvement of Hip Pain After Total Hip Arthroplasty With Dry Needling as an Adjunct to Conventional Physiotherapy: A Case Series
While total hip arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most common and successful orthopedic surgeries, some patients may experience persistent, recurrent, or new hip pain despite successful THA.
Medial Pivot Designs Versus Conventional Bearing Types in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Medial pivot (MP) designs are growing in popularity. They provide increased sagittal plane stability and theoretically replicate some aspects of native joint kinematics, which may improve total knee arthroplasty outcomes.
8 IT Band Stretches and Exercises to Help Relieve Outer Knee Pain
There’s nothing fun about that stabbing pain outside your knee caused by iliotibial band syndrome. The good news though? Doing IT band stretches and strengthening exercises can provide much-needed relief.
Glute force: Why big, strong bum muscles matter for your overall health
Forget about how they look; what about what they do? Why is having big, strong glutes important for your body to function well? These muscles work together with your brain to generate a lot of power to hold your body up as gravity tries to pull it down.
Q&A: Common calf muscle injuries in runners over 40
Calf muscle injuries are among the most common for runners over 40, particularly men. This type of soft tissue injury can heal, but it is going to take time. For younger runners, recovering from a calf muscle injury usually takes about six to eight weeks.