Exercises for Hip Pain
Sometimes the best way to relieve hip pain is to start moving more. Although rest and recovery can be necessary to heal an injury, sitting for too long puts added stress on the hips. The right types of exercises build strength, alleviate pain, improve your range of motion, and help protect your hips in the long haul.
Stick to supportive shoes if you have knee pain
A randomized controlled trial found that sturdy supportive shoes improve knee pain on walking and knee-related quality of life compared with flat flexible shoes.
REGISTRY REVIEW: Partial Knee Arthroplasty in the US
Primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is one of the most commonly performed orthopaedic procedures in the US. The same cannot be said for partial knee arthroplasty: According 2020 Annual Report from the American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR), unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (medial and lateral UKA) accounted for just 4.1% of knee replacements in 2019, compared with 8.2% in 2012, and patellofemoral arthroplasty decreased from a high of 1.7% in 2016 to 0.04% in 2019.
The Best Workouts for Osteoporosis
Your bones are living tissues that are constantly breaking down and rebuilding. And diseases that change bone architecture, such as osteoporosis, spell trouble. Fortunately, exercise done properly can help to rebuild bone and reduce the likelihood of fracture.
Neither 'meniscal' nor 'mechanical' symptoms predict findings on knee arthroscopy
Orthopaedic surgeons have traditionally been taught that certain types of knee symptoms indicate damage to specialized structures called the menisci. But these "meniscal" and "mechanical" symptoms do not reflect what surgeons will find at knee arthroscopy, reports a study in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
When and how to spend a rest day
A rest day is a day in which a person takes a break from their regular workout routine. Rest days are an important part of any exercise program. They give the body a chance to repair and recover, and help to prevent injury.
Why physical activity matters now more than ever
Exercise not only helps people with long-term conditions better manage their health but also boosts the immune system. So how can we support more people to be physically active?
Autologous chondrocyte implantation in the knee: M-ACI has comparable benefit to therapy alternative
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) has been used in adults with deep cartilage defects for over 30 years and has been further developed and modified over time. For the most recent procedure, matrix-induced ACI (M-ACI), favorable effects have been shown suggesting that the benefits are at least comparable to those of therapy alternatives.
Study compares racial disparities in unilateral versus bilateral TKA
Disparities in unilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA) have been well-documented, with lower utilization and higher complication rates found among African American patients. Less is known, however, about whether these racial variations are seen with same-day bilateral TKA as well. In a study presented at ACR Convergence 2020, the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology,...
The use of dual mobility implants in total hip arthroplasty
Mid-term data show that today’s dual mobility constructs can provide excellent stability and range of motion in primary and revision total hip arthroplasty when patients are at a higher risk for dislocation. Modern implant designs have successfully mitigated several major failure mechanisms in older systems.