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  • Liposomal bupivacaine doesn't decrease pain after hip fracture surgery

    For older adults undergoing hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture, intraoperative use of liposomal bupivacaine does not improve pain scores or other relevant outcomes, compared to conventional bupivacaine, reports a study in Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.

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  • How Fast Can Young TKA Patients Get Back to Sports?

    That’s the question a team of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve researchers tried to answer with a systematic review of the literature. The team was hoping to quantify to determine rates, timelines, and prognostic factors which can determine how fast young TKA patients return to work and / or return to sports. Their work, “Return to Sports and Return to Work After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” was published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery on July 27, 2023.

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  • FDA Approves Arthroscopic Knee Cartilage Repair

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a request for a supplemental Biologics License Application for the repair of knee cartilage defects using arthroscopic delivery of the autologous cultured chondrocytes on a porcine collagen membrane.

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  • ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft may reduce flexion strength vs. patellar graft

    ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon graft may yield decreased knee flexion strength vs. reconstruction with patellar tendon graft.

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  • Why Do My Hips Hurt After Running?

    Hip pain often occurs with running. While some level of soreness is normal, if your hips hurt after running, it may mean that you have injured yourself. Hip pain can be caused by injury to your muscles, bone, tendons, or other structures in your hip. Having weak core muscles, an old injury, or poor movement patterns can contribute to hip pain as well.

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  • Treatment Outcomes of Dynamic Hip Screws Versus Short Intramedullary Nails for Extra-capsular Fragility Hip Fractures and Their Coding Audit

    In the UK, hip fractures are a common reason for presentations to the emergency departments, which places significant pressure on NHS hospitals, appropriate choice of an implant to treat the hip fracture is one among many other factors that affect patients’ outcomes. This audit aims to identify and compare the outcome difference between the dynamic hip screws (DHS) and short cephalomedullary nails in the treatment of extracapsular hip fractures.

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  • Platelet rich plasma injection in knee osteoarthritis: results after four years.

    To evaluate the short and long term effects of intra-articular injection of PRP on pain and functional status of the knee joint as measured by the Lysholm questionnaire and visual analogic pain scale (VAS).

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  • No More Knee Pain: The Best Running Shoes for Pain-Free Runs

    There's nothing worse for a runner than feeling motivated to hit the roads, but not being able to because of an injury. "Runner's knee" is a general term that encompasses a few different conditions that can cause knee pain from running. Although running shoes won't cure knee pain on their own, choosing the right pair is a must if you hope to alleviate or avoid knee pain and keep logging those miles.

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  • 10 Strengthening Exercises for Hip Bursitis

    Previously, researchers thought that hip bursitis was the primary cause of lateral or side hip pain. Now, experts know that greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is a more accurate explanation. GTPS includes injury or wear and tear of the gluteal muscle tendons (tendinopathy), which may cause hip pain that worsens with movement.

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  • Muscle tissue changes could be driving sex-based injury risk, say physiologists

    Differences in the way muscles respond to stress could help explain why certain sports injuries are more common in women compared to men, and vice versa, new research suggests.

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