Average hip, knee replacement patient may be getting younger
People might think of the typical joint replacement patient as a senior aged 65 or older, but the surgery is becoming much more common among younger adults with chronic joint pain.
What can cause pain in the back of the knee when straightening the leg?
Pain in the back of the knee when straightening the leg is called posterior knee pain. Finding the cause can be difficult as it can come from problems with the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, or vascular system.
Augmented ACL reconstruction yielded faster functional recovery vs. no augmentation
ACL reconstruction with bone marrow aspirate, demineralized bone matrix and suture tape may improve functional outcomes.
Comparison of mid-term clinical and radiological results of short and conventional femoral stems in total hip arthroplasty
This study aims to answer the question: Which are superior—conventional or short femoral stems?. An Optymis stem was used as a short-femoral stem, and an Accolade II stem was used as a conventional-femoral stem.
Alpha angle and anterior femoral neck offset identify different cohorts of cam morphology: an osteologic study
The purpose of this study was to explore differences in cam morphology defined by alpha angle and anterior femoral neck offset, in the context of other anthropometric parameters in an osteologic collection to further elucidate whether each measurement tool is identifying the same underlying pathology.
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Used on Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Patient-reported knee-related rating scores and scales are widely used in reporting the clinical outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery. Understanding the psychometric properties of such measures is vital to recognizing the limitations that such measures may confer. The aim of this study was to review the available evidence as to the psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) used in ACL surgery.
Study: Mobile app aids recovery of elderly people with hip fractures and helps their caregivers
ActiveHip+ is a multidisciplinary intervention delivered through a mobile application. Designed as part of a European project led by UGR lecturer Patrocinio Ariza Vega, its purpose is to facilitate the recovery of elderly people who have suffered a hip fracture. It is also intended for use by informal caregivers, such as family members.
Injuries that can keep Olympians from the gold
While Olympic athletes can make their sports look effortless, constant overuse of muscles and tendons can lead to big-time injuries that do more than cost them a medal, according to an orthopedic expert from Baylor College of Medicine. And the risks run through all sports—from gymnastics and distance running to swimming.
9 Home Remedies for Knee Pain
As you may be painfully aware, knee pain is very common. Global estimates suggest that more than 1 in 5 adults age 40 and over experience this type of joint problem, and knee pain in men and women in the United States increases steadily after age 60. Here are some of the best home-based ways to help your knees feel and function better.
What to expect during rehab after hip replacement
Hip replacement is a major, arduous elective surgery, and rehabilitation afterwards takes time, according to an expert from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.